Back to Menopause ladies……..

Written by Julia McPhee


  1. Vicki Holroyd

    Julie, thanks I knew there was more at play here. I always had lovely flat tummy, even after the babies. Ate pretty much what I liked but always on the healthy side with occasional trash.
    Started menopause in my early 50, with not too much hassle. Had been smoker since 18, so at 56 weight had increased abit, my husband and I gave up smoking, hip hip hooray. I popped grapes mostly, ate lol lies, baked etc, but at this stage we were Evan eating very healthy, nothing white etc hi fibre or whole grain everything. I became ill with what was like a short term chronic fatigue, and the weight just went boom.
    Now at 58 I am doing Lchf, my tummy doesn’t feel as bloated, and weight is slowly coming of, I need to do exercise, but I have this huge pregnant (almost) like belly. Will have to cut dairy a bit more to see if that helps things move a little quicker.
    Look forward to your next post.


      Hi Vicki
      Your story mirrors so many women in our age group. Be patient with that weight loss and you might see that belly fat decrease! I will be interested to hear whether cutting dairy helps and while exercise may not be easy, I advocate for all women just to move more. Good luck and keep me posted!!

  2. Jenny White

    Hi Julia, Thanks for posting this at this time, I found it most informative I know now that I can help myself.I am very interested to learn all about this process so I am looking forward to future post about this subject.


      Thanks Jenny

      There are so many other factors impacting weight loss and wellbeing in our age group. Stress seems to be a big one but easier said than down to manage that one ! We do need to be made aware of those factors though so I hope I can help shed some light on the subject.


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